       2.       It’s about the high and the weight
       4.       the area where the fuel is burned in a steam engine
       6.       characterized by a lack of conflict and freedom from fear of violence
       8.       Point of view
      10.   ... and the beast
      12.   to (cause to) change position
      14.   Oxygen producer in nature
      16.   A cardinal number
      18.   Milk producer, beside cow
      20.   The prize
      22.   an activity that is a person’s most important job
      24.   an object for children to play with
26.   To discover
      28.   Run (V2)

      1.       Happy face
      3.       Topic of the day
      5.       Give food
      7.       A joke
      9.       Part of the house
      11.   A-z
      13.   Abbreviation for ounce
      15.   King’s wife
      17.   Golden age
      19.   Queen’s husband
      21.   A part of an animal
      23.   Trace (simillar)
      25.   Type of car to carry the goods
      27.   Part of fish for swim

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