My name is Haya Shabrina Eka Putri, but you can call me Haya or Hay. I'm 14 years old. I'm born at Bandung, April 1st 2002. My previous school is 2 Junior High School in Bandung. Right now, I attend at 3 Senior High School in Bandung. I have one young brother. His name is Muhammad Ibrahim Ar-razi. He school at Taruna Bakti Elementary School, grade 5. My brother born at August 27th 2006. I lived near my grandmother's house. I lived with my family.
This is my family's photo.
This is my family's photo.
My Father name is Eka Nurdiana. He work at Karawang. He 42 years old. My mother name is Yulveni. She 1 year different to my father. She is 41 years old.
And this is my brother.
My brother is so cruel. He doesnt want to quite.
I have idols that I like, which is, Jun and Jaehyun. I have some social media like, Line, Instagram, ask.fm, Wattpad and many more that help me to look my idols, except for Wattpad. I use wattpad to make a stories. Right now, i have 57 followers and 14,6k readers :'). Because of that i have a dream job to be a novelist, but my main dream is to be a doctor. I want to continue my school to Universitas Padjadjaran, take the medical faculty. After i have S1, I want to continue to S2. Wish me so.
This all about me.
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