Hello guys!😀😀😀😀
Actually, i want to share this post last week, but since my blog is being problematic and just can be opened today, so I share it today.
I will tell you about a socio-political activis who fight for the independence of his country.
Who is he?🤔
He is Mahatma Gandhi.
In May 1883, aged 13 years, he married to Kasturba, 13-year-old girl, because forced by their parents.

When he returned to India, he helped in the process of
independence of India from the colonies of the United Kingdom; This gives
inspiration to the people in the other colonies in order to fight get its
independence and break up British India to form the Commonwealth.
People from different religions and tribes living in India
at that time convinced that India need to be broken down into several countries
so that different groups can have their own State. Gandhi was a Hindu but he
liked the thoughts of other religions including Islam and Christianity. He
believed that human beings of all religions should have equal rights and live
together peacefully within one nation.
In 1947, India became independent and broke into two
countries, India and Pakistan. It is not approved. The principles of Gandhi,
satyagraha, often translated as "the right path" or "path to the
truth", has inspired generations of activists and democracy
activists-anti-racism such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
Gandhi often said that values his doctrine is very simple, based on traditional
Hindu beliefs: truth (satya), and non-violence (ahimsa). On 30 January 1948, Gandhi
was assassinated a Hindu man angry with Gandhi because he was too in favor of
1. Why Gandhi married Kasturba at the age of 13?
a. Because forced by their parents ✅
b. Their own accord
c. The financial krisis
d. There's a war
e. Custom
2. The type of the activists hold by mahatma gandhi?
a. Scouts
b. Socio-politic ✅
c. Demonstratton
d. Religion
e. Human Rights
3. When he went to the United Kingdom to study law?
a. Tomorrow
b. Yesterday
c. While a teenager ✅
d. A couple of year
e. A decade4. What is assisted when he returns to India?
a. A religion
b. A temple
c. The people
d. The independence of India ✅
e. The environment5. What causes he was assassinated by a Hindu man?
a. Because he was too in favor of Atheis.
b. Because he was too in favor of Christianity.
c. Because he was too in favor of Buddhas.
d. Because he was too in favor of Hindus
e. Because he was too in favor of
Muslims. ✅Thats all from me. Sorry if there's some grammar error.
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