Name : Haya Shabrina Eka Putri
NIS : 161710138
Class : X Science 4 / LM MONDAY
No. : 49
Learning from Nature
Nature is a part of the earth in
which there are various kinds of living creatures. Nature is everything like
the food we eat, the water we drink, or the panorama we enjoy. I think nature
give us many benefits that we can use every day. We must thank to God because
nature has been put on earth and maintain our sense of love for nature. We must
have an observation or experiences about nature, like “Why is nature created?”
“What was inside?” etc. In this essay, I want to tell you about learning from
nature because nature gave us many benefits.

Sky is the upper of atmosphere where the clouds, sun,
and mood appear. Sky color makes us have to always be happy even though there
are times when the color of the sky became dark; we must to always be happy.
So, we must be always happy and shining even though there is some problem.

Because both are made of water, oceans also have an advisory. From ocean we
know we can’t exist without our friends.

After sun, sky, weather, rain,
ocean, trees, flowers, and bamboo, let’s move on to another topic, namely the
animals. In generally, animals are divided to pisces, mammals, amphibians, reptile,
and fowls or birds. I chose three animals. They are pets, birds, and butterfly.
Why I chose pets, birds, and
butterfly? Because there’s some lesson for me. From birds, we pick a lesson
that we must dare to be confidence and be yourself. Pets teach us about love, forgiveness,
and giving our full attention. Last is butterfly. Butterfly told us that life
is short, because of that we shouldn’t not resist change, so we must be
appreciate our pieces of life.
Did you have done read it? What can
you conclude about this topic?
I thought we should be developed
about the benefits that nature give us like recycling, reforestation, avoid
using explosives to catch fish, etc. Because nature give us everything, we have
to have a mutually beneficial relationship with nature.
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