I should be thankful to my mother. My mother always inspired me if I had hard times.

Just like yesterday. I had some tasks from KPA. I must had to write it on A4. I did that tasks in my grandma's house in Purwakarta and printed in Bandung.

When I went to Dipatiukur to print some curriculum vitae and essay with my mom, I used to drive public transportation. In the public transportation, there was an empty chair for us to sit. I told my mother to sit but my mother refused and let me sit. Ah, thankyou mom.

When we arrived there, I sat and opened Mozilla Firefox. After I edited some files, then, I printed it. Turns out, the printer was out of ink, so the paper was blank but there's a blue ink that spilled out . So, I told my mother that the printer was out of ink and the paper has a blue ink that spilled out.

"Mom, is it ok?" I said.

"If it for your necessity, then its okay."

I am touched and then I said thankyou.


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